Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is everyone ready to face year of 2011?

  Well, THREE  more days year 2010 will end.

  Say goodbye to year 2010

 & Welcome year 2011

 What happened through year 2010 ,
 For the good ones :

 Keep it save it ur heart

 Treasure it

 For the bad ones :

      Just…….. forget it~
         I know sometimes is hard to forget what happened in past.
              Just give yourself some time to chill and forget them.
              No point keeping bad memories.
          What done is done.
          Just remember, DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKE.
          Learn from it.
         Noone’s perfect in this world. Everyone make mistakes.
        But,do ever repeat the same mistake =(
        If you wanna make mistakes, MAKE NEW ONE. Nananananaana

       Every new day is another chance to change your life.

                     Don’t not give up for the one you love. (=

                             Enjoy life as much as you life.

                               And live life with no regrets.


    P.S : I wish I can watch fireworks and countdown with YOU =‘(


       Wanna watch this live !!! =|




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