Saturday, December 18, 2010


- Profile -

IGN : Titans.MiYuki
Name : Joey Yong
Age : 16 ( 2010 )
Occupation : Student
State : Seremban , Negeri Sembilan

Joey Speaks :
Most of you guys out there are really shock to see girls play dota and some of them think that we are tomboy. Just to let you guys know, we all are pretty. Lol =) .
I started gaming when I was 10, When my bro downloaded o2jam. I always sit beside of him and watch him play and because of o2jam I started playing online games. I used to play GUNZ(ijji) and O2jam . I played a lot of online games actually . I was so obsessed wit o2jam till I don’t feel like sleeping at all. LOL. 
On the last day of UPSR , My bro told me that he had downloaded new online game and asked me to try. So yea, I used his acc to play. I just randomly pick a room and join any game. I was at scourge. Once the game started, I totally had no idea how to play. All I did is randomly pick a hero and just walk around. LOL. 
Scourge started to scold me with bad words , calling me a noob. (sad T.T)
The 1st hero I played was Razor. My item build was SUCKS. I don’t even know how to combine item so all I buy was quarterstaff(6) .. ( But I still get to kill, hahahaha) LOL . Even my bro laughed at my item then he teach me what hero with what item. I think most of it I learn from my bro. I gain a lot experiences and improvement. 
I’ve played DotA about 2 years +.  Day by day I getting better and now I have my own Dota girls team.
 Thank you Jen a.k.a Titans.CuTie for invited me to join the team.  And I was shock that michelle a.k.a Titans.MiMo joined the team also. 
I learn a lot from my team leader Angelina and I’m sorry I might be a little bit stubborn sometimes (>.<) 


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