Saturday, December 18, 2010


- Profile -

IGN : Titans.MiMo
Name : Moo Yan Yee Michelle
Age : 16 ( 2010 )
Occupation : Student
State : Seremban , Negeri Sembilan

Wanna know me more,just add my facebook  =)
P.S: Sorry if my profile is FULL. I’ll create a fanpage if I feel like want too =X Should I? cause I lazy wanna handle both accounts. Suggestion pls :x

Michelle Speaks :
Well,I’m sure you guys out there are wondering why do I play Dota right?
Actually,I used to hate Dota .
Seriously,no jokes. 
But I don’t know why. Lol =D
Here is the story behind, I used to play Maplestory using my bro’s laptop.

So,after havin my own lappy which is DELL[I hate it so muuuccchh  ] and is window VISTA. Sucks weih -.-
Im kinda addicted to maplestory. 
So I download it in my lappy and guess what it FAILED! I just don’t know why =(

After trying few times,I got mad and fedup and and I gave up too =(
So,I ask my big brother to introduce me any online game which I CAN play.
And tadah!! He intro me DOTA! Lol
The first hero he taught me was sandking.
( I still remember,muahaaaha xD)
 I started playing and starting to like Dota too.
Yay ^^
Well,I’ve played this game for about 1 year plus and yet I’m still ..… what do you call that.. Yeah, NOOB* lol.
Don’t worry,I will try my best to improve and learn from every game I’ve played .
And also from replays.=x

And guess what!
Now,I have my own Dota girls team which I really love em (: <3
We have about 6 girls in our team =)
Our leader is Angelina.
Thanks for asking me to join ur team .

For more information about our team: 


Do support us too.
Just CLICK the LINK and LIKE it.
Easy =p
 And  do take a look at the pictures and like it too.
Thanks a lot.
It means so much to us.

 Besides that,we also have two managers to handle/manage our team.
They are really nice,funny,can joke with sometimes..

 And.. Sometimes.. Their words can be really SERIOUS and MEAN=x
Scary huh =P

 Lastly,I wanna thanks our managers for their hardwork and care us so much. 
I really do appreciate it a lot =)
And I hope everything works out perfectly.=]


P.S : Is for jerry aka snow, don’t always get emo fast! Not good . Nanananananana. ♥

      ** I’ll update as soon as I can =D **
            **Do keep in touch**


emo-coolz said...

Alalalala ~

Snow said...

nananananana Michelle !

Unknown said...


Titans.MiMo said...

nananana =p

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