Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Ign: Titans.Piwi
Name: michelle piwi
Age: 19
Occupation: feeder XD
State: Sarawak

Hi, i am Titans.Piwi. I am very piwi(?). I like to eat kiwi XD
I play DotA because it's a nice game and a lot of my friends play it too, but I only know how to feed. My special ability is to feed till godlike in game and I feel very proud of it. I enjoy feeding in game because it helps me to destress. My role in the team is Feeder. I believe that I can improve my feeding skills XD

Okay, enough for the craps (although i only know how to talk craps). My first time playing DotA is when... I forget liao. I only remember that time I've chosen N'aix, cuz it looks like one of my classmates. After that I went to school and tell him I played a game got him inside and he laugh till want die LOL. That's also the time when DotA entered my life. LOL.

Through DotA, I've learnt a lot of things like teamwork. Through DotA, my hands become faster when I'm in front of the computer. I also found out that we can learn something negative like scolding foul language in game when you get mad. Luckily I didn't develop the skill of scolding XD. Feed also better than LC in game hahahaha. I don't really understand why people like to swear when playing games. It's not like after you swear, the noobs can immediately turn into pros. hmph!(?)
Well, it seems like I talked about rubbish again, but i hope you all don't mind. Cuz this is me, I am myself. I am Piwi. Hi everyone :D <<(???) 
Anyway, I would like to thank Jennifer for inviting me to join this team. This team is full of helping hands. Snow the manager and Baby the leader, i hope both of you don't mind me feed in games. Thanks very much XD
Lastly, I would like to share something to all of you:
-Some eggs are chit-chatting in the fridge-
Egg A: yerr, u see that egg so weird one
Egg B: ya lor, why is it so hairy?
Egg C: the colour also so weird...
"Egg" D : swt! I am Kiwi la !! 囧

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is everyone ready to face year of 2011?

  Well, THREE  more days year 2010 will end.

  Say goodbye to year 2010

 & Welcome year 2011ツ

 What happened through year 2010 ,
 For the good ones :

 Keep it save it ur heart

 Treasure it

 For the bad ones :

      Just…….. forget it~
         I know sometimes is hard to forget what happened in past.
              Just give yourself some time to chill and forget them.
              No point keeping bad memories.
          What done is done.
          Just remember, DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKE.
          Learn from it.
         Noone’s perfect in this world. Everyone make mistakes.
        But,do ever repeat the same mistake =(
        If you wanna make mistakes, MAKE NEW ONE. Nananananaana

       Every new day is another chance to change your life.

                     Don’t not give up for the one you love. (=

                             Enjoy life as much as you life.

                               And live life with no regrets.


    P.S : I wish I can watch fireworks and countdown with YOU =‘(


       Wanna watch this live !!! =|



Monday, December 27, 2010

K7 BgL Freshman Tournament Replay

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Contact Us



Email ( No spamming on the mail ) 



 Mybe is Christmas so created new map.
Mybe larh,I don’t know -.-
Anyways ,is also time to create new heroes and new items.
Well, there are two new hereos and three new items
 There is also a lot changes for hereos,items,gameplay & cosmetics and
 bugs (=

     For more information ,visit here :

   Get the lasted map ,6.67 here :
   [ official Dota allstars downloads ]

  Picture of a new hero > Phoenix


P.S : Too bad there is no change for the maps. Is so so BORING!
       And instead of roshan change to something else ma.
       Mybe snowman holding presents [ aegis n cheese] ? Lol .

    Enjoy the new map guys  ! =D


          ||……………… ****
          ||……………… .*♀♂*
          ||……..**#*#**#**# *
          |†….. ******

                      ++**_MERRY CHRISTMAS (:_**++


Merry Christmas

From home to home,and heart to heart,from one place to another.
The warmth and joy of Christmas brings us CLOSER to each other.

``Yay! Finally Christmas is here.

``This is what everyone waited for! =D

`` Reminder for Dota players,

``Christmas is ONLY once a YEAR.

``So, enjoy as much as you can (=

``DOTA wont run away =p

`` Remember always appreciate what you have know because one
    day you might lose it. =|

``  Well,I have not much too write ><
     Sorry. =/
    My mind kinda blank today. Lol.
    Cant think.
    Mybe because…. I’m staying at home for my Christmas.
BYythe way,we girls from Titans gaming would love to wish all of you out there Merry Christmas. =]



 Poem for my friends [From: Titans.MiMo ] :

[M] is for MY friend, a truly special person I hold so dear

[Y] is for YOU, that person who by my side is always here

[F] is for FOREVER, the time I know our frienship will last

[R] is for REMINICING, of the times you've been there in the past

[I] is for INSPIRATONAL, for the way you've dealt with troubles through the years

[E] is for EMOTIONS we share, whether it's laughter, love or tears

[N] is for NEVER doubting that your friendship will always be mine

[D] is for DOUBLE the happiness, I wish on you my friend, at Christmas time! ♥ (=

  TRUE* (=


In this ever changing world
It's nice to know
That one thing is forever
You'll always be my friend

This Christmas card is sent today
And I hope it's plain to see
You're a very special person
Who means so much to me

We've been friends for many years
I'm sure you'll agree
We couldn't have known when we met
Just what friends we'd be

But it happened and I'm grateful
And this card is sent to say
To me you're very special
So enjoy your Christmas dayツ

ILoveYou,My Friend(:


Here is a so call Christmas tree [ YES I COPIED AND PASTE
                                                       FROM  FACEBOOK,but I edit it ツ ]

          |†|……………… … **♥**
          |†|……………… .*♀♂*
          |†|……..*♥*#*♥#*♥*#**# ♥*
          |†….. *♥*♥**♥**

         Too bad there is no presents under the tree.
         Santa,where are you~
        No, I don’t want presents.
        *ღ* I just want YOU for my Christmas. It will be
           my BEST present ever <3 *ღ*

       P.S: Spot the difference :D
              There’s a lot. Nanananana

     P.P.S : My name is on the Christmas treee!!
                Weeee~ =P

Hope all of your enjoy day,
May your dreams come true. (:



       ++**_Merry Christmas Again _**++ =D

Before I end this,here a picture of me :




Thursday, December 23, 2010

calI HATE *YOU* - Titans.MiMo

 calI HATE *YOU*

 Dear LAG,

               May I know why you wanna spoil my mood at the wrong time? I mean when I’m playing DOTA especially. Once you spoil my mood,I can’t play well already. zZz Lucky most of the time, I play with my friends. What if I play with pub? ZZz sure I GG already - - swt
I know lag is common but don’t lag when I’m playing DOTA !
When I’m doing something else then you can lag as much as you want -.-

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

 Lag~ I hate YOU~!</3

  YESSSHHHH!! Feel better know ~.~



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What I HATE THE MOST - Titans.MiMo

What I HATE THE MOST [ Do take note after you read,I might HATE YOU if u do this to me (= ]


             *BEWARE! =D

    * Backstabbers like to act two faces. In front,wear mask,behind show
      real face and talk shit about other people?

    *This is for people who likes to backstab after one another.

  People you trusted the most ,can’t even face to face and talk to
       [how sad..]
    * Either talking good or bad about someone,just face the person and
       talk la.
       Why wanna tell other people? NO guts?

   *Walao -.- pain arr ! So,don’t ‘stab’ :P

Do not judge books by its cover

       *This picture really caught my sight. Enjoy =)

     *Which means you cant simply judge ,talk or predic about a person
       you love or like or hate or dislike or admire before knowing that
       person WELL.
       If not,please hold back all your words. =]
       Do not act like you know EVERYTHING, you’re not GOD*

 Before you say or do anything, PLEASE think  (=


                 *Think and think first~

    *Because words might just fly out from your mouth and hurt other
      people.Then,it will cause misunderstandin’ and you know what’s
      gonna happen next .
      Example : In game( DOTA ), must always watch our language
       because there are so many people playing since is an online game.
      Do not use foul words often and scold people using foul words even
      they didn’t do anything wrong - -
      Obviously,when you scold people with foul words,they’ll get angry
      or mad and they’ll start to scold back.
      To avoid this, please care our language (=
      Even your friends, don’t not think they’re your friends so you can just
      Speak out freely.
      We all are HUMANS.
       We have FEELINGS,
       and also LIMITS.


        So,THINK before you SPEAK or do anything =)

 ACT PRO in GAMES (example : DOTA )
       *If don’t know anything,just ASK your team mates.
        Well,I am sure they would help or if they didn’t answer you,
        just watch and learn. Use BRAINS.[aint saying you’re not using ur
         brains :P don’t misunderstand =) ] Don’t buy stupid items, most
        important is do not spoil the game such as being a FEEDER in a
        game[ known as game spoiler ] and there is where people start to get
        mad and scolding. Then everyone in team will be emo or no mood- -

 Do not take game TOO SERIUOSLY =|
       *Talking about this, last time I do take game kinda serious.
        I mean like.. I will get mad when people start to feed ( which means
        not playing safe,feed and talk cock - - ),or when they scold me ,I
       scold back with foul words =D nanananana :P YES,I do scold
       people with foul words cause they started it. Don’t blame me =P
      Or even my OWN friends scold me just because I feed in games.
      I feed maybe because :
     ``I lag,delay or spike  or ``I don’t have mood to play `` or something is
       bothering my mind or ``I’m NOOB ( nahh not gonna use this
       word,im just okay =P) .

      *Okay so back to the topic, why some PEOPLE take game sooo soo
       soo serious?  Whywhywhywhy ….? =x
       Is just A GAME ! I repeat, JUST A GAME!
       Why because of game wanna get emo,no mood,or even break
       relationships( mybe this less happens - -”  lol ) or scold the person
       who played bad in a game ?
       There is always win or lose in a game.
       You can’t just win ALL THE TIME. Swt -.-”
      SOME people out there just cant accept their lost. =|
     C’mon,LOSING is LEARNING.=) [ a friend of mine told me this and
     yeah is true ]
    In this world, NOONE IS PERFECT.
    Find out your mistakes and learn from it.
    Do not repeat the SAME mistakes.
     And yeah learn to forgive people’s mistake and forget.
     Don’t keep in heart. [ better save the slots and keep something more
     important :P ]

Hahahaha =P

And also :


   P.S : One more thing ! I’ve changed =)
          I don’t take game seriously anymore.
          I… just wanna enjoy every single game I’ve play

   Well,that’s all from me now(=




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