Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year 2011 ! =)

First of all before I start , wanna wish you all ..................
>>> *Happy Chinese New Year =)*

Do have a blessing year ya :)

For those who balik kampung,
*Remind ur daddy to check the car before start journey :)
* Drive safe.
* Have a great CNY =D


For those yang tak balik kampung, ( example >>> ME ! ahaha :P )
We can :
* Hangout with friends.
*Visit friends house and collect angpaus =P
*Finish up school homeworks << wtff ,I'm not doing it =p
*Organise open house and invite people to your house instead :) << JUST LIKE WHAT IM DOING :)
* and there's still so much stuff we can do :)

Well, to be honest I have no kampung -_-
MYBE I have but I dont even know where is it. nanananana =P
Im so imba right.

So every year,seriously EVERYYYYY YEAR.......
I've been :
*staying at home and DOTA -.-
* visits friends open house and collect angpaus xD
*Hangout with friends
* or mybe family trip ( IF and ONLY my dad is FREE -_- He is always busy. Lames =[ )
* Thats ...... alll -_-

But somehow,I still enjoy my days :)
Cause I have people around to chat with me ,joke with me, play DOTA with me and much more.
I really do appreciate it.
Thanks alott :)

Oh ya,here is some pictutes of ME =p ( 2010 ones -.- )
This year haven taken =x
Wait ba. = )

Which one better ? Leave a comment ba =p
For me,i think my natural hair better.
With the curls i LOOK so olddd -_-
Dont call me grandma :P

 By the way,for this year CNY
I wish to collect alot alot of angpauss xD


IDK why......
mybe i love moneyss ?
who doesnt xD
nanananana =p

I wanna watch lion dance sso soo sooooo badly.
I mean LIVE!


Damn syok if you watch it live :)
with the lions dancing jumping crawling.
and people cheering and the sounds of the drums..
Damn cool one :)
I wanna watch it LIVE !
Anyone can bring me ?

Thats all for now.
I'll update as soon as I can with my lastest CNY pics :)
Keep in touch with me =]

 Happy Chinese New Year Again =D




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